Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Anniversary time!

Wow I just can’t believe that one year has flown by me so fast! Time indeed seems to be flying and even half of 2009 has already passed us all by.

Guess what - It’s become a year today since my beloved one and I tied the knot and everything seems to have happened so fast and before I know it, a whole year has also passed since that eventful day :)

And it sure has been an eventful year I say!

All I can say is that, I’m really happy that we were finally able to tie the knot and that hubby was also able to join me here after a couple of months after the wedding. But right now, we both are just so happy and grateful that at least we are there with each other during this anniversary time. I guess we will have the real celebrations and stuff maybe next year and hope to get more time with each other.
Well, I know that this should have been a special occasion and special celebration as it’s the first year, but since we have known each other for so long and have been committed to each other, I guess it doesn’t matter much that we are not able to do anything special.

Humm now that I think more deeply about it, I can’t say that I’m too happy about the fact that I am not able to do anything special. So I guess I do have to say I’m a little disappointed about the whole situation. At the same time I’m am grateful that we are together and that’s what makes the difference I guess.

As with all married couples we have had our good and bad times, the usual fights and love for each other and all. That’s all part of life and especially because he is the more patient and caring one, things are going smoothly.

Now, I’m just wishing my beloved one and myself too, a special happy anniversary and want God’s blessing for all the years that lie ahead of us.



--xh-- said...

wow.. happy anniversary :) congratzzzz....

My Kitchen Antics said...

Kel..belated anniv wishes...I completely forgot..not that im good with remembering dates..i find it hard to rem roshans bday itself:)
Yes..the fact that u guys are together will make up for all the celebration...have a great time

Kelvy said...

thank u so mucchhhh :)

Kelvy said...

Nishi in fact its not belated, u wished now on correct day itself.. :) ya it was worth being together atleast

the blogger formerly known as sansmerci said...

happy anniversary once again kel.. don feel bad u cudnt celebrate.. like u said u been together too long to not be disappinted ... and wats in a date rite.. just celebrate your love wenever u can and make it the best i will say!

Kelvy said...

Thanks Swar... Ya true

Vineet Rajan said...

wow! its been a long time since i visited ur blog as well!
the last post i remember reading was about ur wedding!
congrats on ur first anniversary!

Kelvy said...

hehe thanks vinni.. :) ya time seems to be flying

Reflections said...

Please accept my Belated Happy Anniversary Enigma:-))!!!!!

p.s: and u can wish me too...I celebrate my 10th next week;-o

Kelvy said...


thank u so much nancy... And congrats to u too on ur 10th anniv :)